Kilometers to Miles conversion

❤️ Click here: Change tinder distance from km to miles

Then he went away for a few days. Now, suddenly today, it says 44 miles. The thing is, I stopped using tinder but sometimes I go there to check if she updated the profile and the tricky thing is always the location… Does anyone know how Tinder updates your location?

I can locate the I sat in while writing the app: I can also enter a user-id directly: And find a target Tinder user in NYC You can find a video showing how the app works in more detail below: FAQ Q: What does this vulnerability allow one to do? When we have time off from client work we like to analyze popular apps to see what we find. Of course, if you're looking for a pain-free method of doing the calculation right here and now then you can use our handy kilometers and miles converter, below. A kilometer is a unit of Length or Distance in the Metric System.

Kilometers to Miles conversion - That can be an immediate turn off. A selfie often times distorts your face as the camera is too close to the subject and the bending of the lens toward the edges will make your face look longer or fatter than reality.

By At IncludeSec we specialize in application security assessment for our clients, that means taking applications apart and finding really crazy vulnerabilities before other hackers do. When we have time off from client work we like to analyze popular apps to see what we find. Towards the end of 2013 we found a vulnerability that lets you get exact latitude and longitude co-ordinates for any Tinder user which has since been fixed is an incredibly popular dating app. What could be simpler? Being a dating app, it's important that Tinder shows you attractive singles in your area. To that end, Tinder tells you how far away potential matches are: Before we continue, a bit of history: In July 2013, a different Privacy vulnerability was in Tinder by another security researcher. At the time, Tinder was actually sending latitude and longitude co-ordinates of potential matches to the iOS client. Anyone with rudimentary programming skills could query the Tinder API directly and pull down the co-ordinates of any user. I'm going to talk about a different vulnerability that's related to how the one described above was fixed. In implementing their fix, Tinder introduced a new vulnerability that's described below. The API By proxying iPhone requests, it's possible to get a picture of the API the Tinder app uses. Of interest to us today is the user endpoint, which returns details about a user by id. This is called by the client for your potential matches as you swipe through pictures in the app. That's a lot of precision that we're getting, and it's enough to do really accurate triangulation! Triangulation As far as high-school subjects go, trigonometry isn't the most popular, so I won't go into too many details here. Basically, if you have three or more distance measurements to a target from known locations, you can get an absolute location of the target using triangulation. This is similar in principle to how GPS and cellphone location services work. I can create a profile on Tinder, use the API to tell Tinder that I'm at some arbitrary location, and query the API to find a distance to a user. When I know the city my target lives in, I create 3 fake accounts on Tinder. I then tell the Tinder API that I am at three locations around where I guess my target is. Then I can plug the distances into the formula on Wikipedia page. To make this a bit clearer, I built a webapp.... TinderFinder Before I go on, this app isn't online and we have no plans on releasing it. This is a serious vulnerability, and we in no way want to help people invade the privacy of others. TinderFinder was built to demonstrate a vulnerability and only tested on Tinder accounts that I had control of. TinderFinder works by having you input the user id of a target or use your own by logging into Tinder. The assumption is that an attacker can find user ids fairly easily by sniffing the phone's traffic to find them. First, the user calibrates the search to a city. I'm picking a point in Toronto, because I will be finding myself. I can locate the I sat in while writing the app: I can also enter a user-id directly: And find a target Tinder user in NYC You can find a video showing how the app works in more detail below: FAQ Q: What does this vulnerability allow one to do? A: This vulnerability allows any Tinder user to find the exact location of another tinder user with a very high degree of accuracy within 100ft from our experiments Q: Is this type of flaw specific to Tinder? A: Absolutely not, flaws in location information handling have been common place in the mobile app space and continue to remain common if developers don't handle location information more sensitively. Q: Does this give you the location of a user's last sign-in or when they signed up? A: This vulnerability finds the last location the user reported to Tinder, which usually happens when they last had the app open. Q: Do you need Facebook for this attack to work? A: While our Proof of concept attack uses Facebook authentication to find the user's Tinder id, Facebook is NOT needed to exploit this vulnerability, and no action by Facebook could mitigate this vulnerability Q: Is this related to the vulnerability found in Tinder earlier this year? A: Yes this is related to the same area that a similar Privacy vulnerability was found in July 2013. Max and Erik from Include Security were able to extract precise location data from this using triangulation. Q: How did Include Security notify Tinder and what recommendation was given? A: We have not done research to find out how long this flaw has existed, we believe it is possible this flaw has existed since the fix was made for the previous privacy flaw in July 2013. The team's recommendation for remediation is to never deal with high resolution measurements of distance or location in any sense on the client-side. These calculations should be done on the server-side to avoid the possibility of the client applications intercepting the positional information. Q: Is anybody exploiting this? How can I know if somebody has tracked me using this privacy vulnerability? A: The API calls used in this proof of concept demonstration are not special in any way, they do not attack Tinder's servers and they use data which the Tinder web services exports intentionally. There is no simple way to determine if this attack was used against a specific Tinder user. Though, isn't this extremely hard to fix? By sampling the distance from additional locations you should be able to increase the precision beyond the 1 mile. Next, what keeps you from repeatedly reporting a different client location, removing the need for multiple accounts? The only 'drawback' would be that it's much less stealthy. Rounding the number doesn't help though, it only requires a slightly more complex solution. Instead of creating 3 fake profiles, create 100, all equidistant from your original starting point, spaced evenly around a circle with a radius twice that of the rounded distance Tinder first spit out. While each of these fake profiles will only give you a rounded distance, assuming Tinder rounds consistently those closer to the profile will round to a lower number and those farther to a higher numbes, sectioning the circle into sectors of about one mile, about 2 miles, about 3 miles... Sectors of different values meet at the rounding cutoff. Ie where the 2's switch over to 3's is likely 2. The greater the distance you are initially, the fewer profiles you'd need to compensate for rounding. Conversely the more fake profiles, the more exactly you can generate those sector cutoffs and generate points that you can once again triangulate from. Have they dealt with this??? Alex - even with adding random error, this will be very hard to properly fix. With this method, triangulation would allow you to determine this grid point, but not precise location of the user. It's a common issue we found with other popular dating apps as well. When we last looked at it we found that Tinder wasn't sending the exact distance away anymore and rounding it to the mile.

Converting between Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles 128-2.4
Six goes into 90 fifteen times. Anyone with rudimentary programming skills could query the Tinder API directly and pull down the co-ordinates of any user. We will see how this plays out with u users and whether they loose users to competition by making this move. The abbreviation for mile is 'mi'. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units. Do just one of us or both of us have to get on for it to responsible. The main goal is to start a conversation and break the ice. Today we're going to take a look at how to convert between kilometers and miles, and back again. It can be to tackle online dating and to be successful in meeting new girls in your la.